Sunday, 14 October 2012

My Evaluation


My College Magazine is called 'College life'. My front cover develops forms and conventions of real media products, as I included a Masthead, Sell line, Price, Date, Barcode, Feature lines, Images, Issue Number and an advertisement/Offer. I've worked around my Front Cover thinking of my Target Audience which is College students, I thought about what would appeal to them best and draw them in. To do this I took images they can relate to for example, my image used as a background for my front cover, is a student working in a science lab, which all the students reading my magazine will have done in school. I also included Sport images and feature stories to attract the sporty age range that may read this magazine for the 'Latest Sport results'.
I attracted my pacific target audience by adjusting the conventions of my magazine to suit them. For example, My Masthead 'College Life' obviously relates to them as they are all in College. The bold red font I chose to use is really eye catching, it will be sure to grab student’s attention and draw them in. My selling line 'What’s going on?' is a rhetorical question, my audience will want to know what’s going on in their college so will pick up the magazine to find out. This Sell line is also in a bold font with a graphical shape highlighting which makes it stand out even more, with the strong contrast between the white text and the black graphical shape behind it. My Feature stories are based on topics I think my Target Audience will be interested in for example the Latest Sport Results, will surely interest the students of this college, as they will want to support their college teams and find out what’s going on with them. My other feature story about the new gym includes 'exclusive images' this is sure to draw the sport audience in, as they will want to see their new gym. My front cover includes a barcode, the date, issue number and also price which are all conventions of a magazine. I included an advert which is 'Win a Trip to New York' which I also used a black graphical shape to enhance the white text.
If I had the chance to make my College Magazine front cover again I would, include more feature stories, with a wider variety of different topics as the only topics I really have are sport which won’t appeal to all students reading this magazine. I would also shorten the Feature Story text, as shorter 'snappier' text is more interesting to read and get the point across quicker. I would also change my Advert slightly by adjusting the word 'win' as when the audience see this they will surely want to read more.
I have definitely progressed in my Photoshop skills during this project. For example, the quick selection tools, the character tool to produce my text and also the transform/rotation tools.


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