The Language of this contents page is of a House Style, it includes a lot of the conventions of a contents page for example a title which is usually placed at the top of the page, this contents page title really stands out as the white memorable text is placed on a black graphical shape which really highlights this text. The are many feature sections, which are placed down the right side of the page with page references and a continuous colour scheme of red, yellow and black makes them really easy to read and understand for the audience. This colour scheme is used throughout this contents page because it’s really affective for example the word 'win' is made to stand out from the font, size, colour and graphical shape behind to highlight. Images from various articles are also displayed on this page which will attract the audience as they are images of bands/artist of the genre of this magazine. Various language techniques are used to catch the attention of the audience for example 'gig guide' it’s short and catchy but gets the message across well. Large clear fonts are also used on this page which makes them stand out and also easy to read.
The Institution is who publishes the magazine, and Baeur Media publishes Kerrang. Baeur Media are a huge publishing company, they also have a Kerrang radio channel and a music channel on sky. Baeur are a really recognizable publishing company as they also publish other popular magazine for example FHM, Empire, More and Heat.
The Ideology of this page is to inform the reader what this magazine includes, to show what they have to offer. This is done by the listing of articles in the feature section, which also include page numbers so these articles are easy to find. The pacific colour scheme used for this feature section also make it easy to read and see the title of the article, page number, and also what the article includes. There is also some kind of competition placed on this page to win a guitar lesson with an artist of the particular genre of music this magazine is focused on. This competition is largely presented on this page to try and catch the attention of the audience, to really draw them in with the large text 'win'.
The Audience of a magazine in a really important thing to consider while making my magazine front cover/contents page as you need to get the magazine genre right to attract your chosen target audience. The type of audience that Kerrang attracts are people who enjoy this particular type of music, rock which I think has a wide age range from teenaged to middle aged. The genre of this magazine in represented on this contents page by the use of colour, images and topics eg bands/artists.
The Representation of this contents page reflects the whole magazine, the representation of the contents page can either persuade the audience to want to read on or not. Kerrang use certain colours to highlight text to make it stand out to the particular target audience. For example, for the masthead of this page a red graphical shape is used to highlight the red text on top, making it stand out and the audience instantly read this as they come to this page. The text 'win' also uses a graphical shape so it stands out, as many people will want to see what there is to win in this magazine.
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