Friday, 30 November 2012


Demographics are a section of the human population, broken down by age, sex, income, education or occupation. A magazine’s Target Audience are based on these things, this shows the magazine editor how small or large their Target Audience is.

My Target Audience will consist of the working class, as my age range (teenagers and young adults 15-25) are in this class, as most teenagers are in education eg school, college, university or maybe a part time job/ apprenticeship. The interests of my Target Audience involve a lot of technology such as TV, radio, computers eg Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. Other interests could be food for example Mcdonalds, KFC, Burgerking. Clothing/Fashion is one of my Target Audience’s big interests, clothing such as gold chains, Nike, New York snap backs, baggy tshirts and sunglasses. All of these things I have shown in my Readers Profile.

This table of the grading system shows different social classes and their occupation. My target audience is based around D-Working Class, my target audience will want to read this magazine really often rather than just once a month, as they enjoy reading about the Hiphop/Rap genre ect. So for these reasons I will publish my magazine weekly, this will please my audience most. I will price my magazine at about £1.99 as this isn't that expensive, for my target audience as most of them are still in education so won't be willing to pay much more than this for a magazine.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Music Genre

The particular genre of music I have chosen to base my magazine on is Hiphop/Rap, which includes artist such as Drake, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Eminem, Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West. An example of a magazine that’s also based on this genre of music is XXL.

 My Moodboard includes brands such as Nike and New York snapbacks which the reader would probably own one or more items of these brands. A Brooklyn road sign and also basketball shirt, as I know some of the artists included in the Hiphop/Rap genre are from. One of my images shows the rapper Jay Z wearing a Brooklyn basketball shirt. Gold chains, which these type of artists wear as some of my images show. My Moodboard includes the American flag, as most of the music artist who will be in my magazine are from. I also included a number of different artists and Artists Logos from the Hiphop/Rap genre of music.

Readers Profile/Demographics

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

LIIAR Analysis of a Music Magazine Double Page Spread

The Language of this double page spread is used to pull in the target audience and make them read through this particular article. The image is of lead singer of Young Guns, the image stands out on the white background really well, as does the black text used. On the lead singer are lyrics of a Young Guns song which will stand out to the target audience of this magazine as they will enjoy and know this particular genre of music well. The text 'Flesh and Bones' stand out really well because of the large font used, this will grab the audience’s attention and also draw them across to the image of Young Guns lead singer as he also has the word 'bones' written on him. The image is spread across both of the pages on this double spread, so obviously this image is a really important part to the article. The lead singer of Young Guns looks quite scruffy with these lyrics written all over him, he has many tattoos and is displaying no real emotion, this all represents the particular type of genre this magazine is.
    The Institution is who publishes the magazine, and Baeur Media publishes Kerrang. Baeur Media are a huge publishing company, they also have a Kerrang radio channel and a music channel on sky. Baeur are a really recognizable publishing company as they also publish other popular magazine for example FHM, Empire, More and Heat.
    The Ideology of this double page spread is to tell the audience about Young Guns lead singer Gustav Wood, as it includes an image of him that dominates most of the double page spread. A block of text which will most definitely be about him as I can tell by looking at the front cover of this magazine which features Gustav Wood using pullquotes. Gustav Wood is being used to also advertise this magazine by appealing to an audience who like this particular band/genre of music, so they would buy the magazine to read this particular double page spread.
      The Audience that this magazine is designed for are the type of people who enjoy this genre of music, rock/screamo. They attract this audience by using images of the artist/bands who produce this type of music and vibe, for example this large image of Young Guns lead singer will definitely draw people in who like this band, and make them want to read. The audience should recognize the text on the man in the image as its Young Guns lyrics. The black text used is really clear on the white background making it really easy for the audience to read, certain parts of the text stand out for example 'Flesh and Bones' and also 'Young Guns' which will probably be the first piece of text the audience read.
      The Representation of this double page spread is very clear as Kerrang have one specific genre of music, the main image which is of the lead singer of Young Guns, Gustav Wood is part of Kerrangs genre. The image of him really stands out on the white background used, this images gives a rough edge, from the lyrics written on his chest and the many tattoos he has this will attract the audience of this genre of music.         

LIIAR Analysis of a Music Magazine Contents page

The Language of this contents page is of a House Style, it includes a lot of the conventions of a contents page for example a title which is usually placed at the top of the page, this contents page title really stands out as the white memorable text is placed on a black graphical shape which really highlights this text. The are many feature sections, which are placed down the right side of the page with page references and a continuous colour scheme of red, yellow and black makes them really easy to read and understand for the audience. This colour scheme is used throughout this contents page because it’s really affective for example the word 'win' is made to stand out from the font, size, colour and graphical shape behind to highlight. Images from various articles are also displayed on this page which will attract the audience as they are images of bands/artist of the genre of this magazine. Various language techniques are used to catch the attention of the audience for example 'gig guide' it’s short and catchy but gets the message across well. Large clear fonts are also used on this page which makes them stand out and also easy to read.
      The Institution is who publishes the magazine, and Baeur Media publishes Kerrang. Baeur Media are a huge publishing company, they also have a Kerrang radio channel and a music channel on sky. Baeur are a really recognizable publishing company as they also publish other popular magazine for example FHM, Empire, More and Heat.
    The Ideology of this page is to inform the reader what this magazine includes, to show what they have to offer. This is done by the listing of articles in the feature section, which also include page numbers so these articles are easy to find. The pacific colour scheme used for this feature section also make it easy to read and see the title of the article, page number, and also what the article includes. There is also some kind of competition placed on this page to win a guitar lesson with an artist of the particular genre of music this magazine is focused on. This competition is largely presented on this page to try and catch the attention of the audience, to really draw them in with the large text 'win'.
    The Audience of a magazine in a really important thing to consider while making my magazine front cover/contents page as you need to get the magazine genre right to attract your chosen target audience. The type of audience that Kerrang attracts are people who enjoy this particular type of music, rock which I think has a wide age range from teenaged to middle aged. The genre of this magazine in represented on this contents page by the use of colour, images and topics eg bands/artists. 
    The Representation of this contents page reflects the whole magazine, the representation of the contents page can either persuade the audience to want to read on or not. Kerrang use certain colours to highlight text to make it stand out to the particular target audience. For example, for the masthead of this page a red graphical shape is used to highlight the red text on top, making it stand out and the audience instantly read this as they come to this page. The text 'win' also uses a graphical shape so it stands out, as many people will want to see what there is to win in this magazine.      

LIIAR Analysis of a Music Magazine Front Cover

 This magazine is designed to appeal to a certain target audience by using a certain genre of music for example rock and screamo, I can see this from the range of bands/artists displayed on this front cover. The Language of this magazine is used to attract 'Kerrang's specific target audience, this is done by the use of images, which are mainly of the bands included of this magazine for example the audience will know that there will definitely be a large article on Young Guns as the main image is focused on them with Pullquotes and a main feature story. This magazine is always produced in a House Style, the specific colours used on this front cover are bright and bold to make each piece of text stand out. The Subheading 'Young Guns' is in really large text as this is the main article inside this magazine. The Masthead 'Kerrang' is a main convention of this magazine, it’s used in the same place (top, central) on every Kerrang magazine.
    The Institution is who publishes the magazine, and Baeur Media publishes Kerrang. Baeur Media are a huge publishing company, they also have a Kerrang radio channel and a music channel on sky. Baeur are a really recognizable publishing company as they also publish other popular magazine for example FHM, Empire, More and Heat.
    Young Guns are obviously going to play a big role in the Ideology of this magazine as they are the model credit, they are the main headline, there are pull quotes on them, so the audience know for a fact they will have a large article in this magazine so will probably pick up the magazine to read this article on them if they are a fan. People will buy this magazine if they enjoy this genre of music Kerrang appeals to, the audience will want to find out more about these artists and what’s going on with these artists, they know they can read about these things in the magazine from the coverlines.
     The Audience that this magazine is designed for are the type of people who enjoy this genre of music, rock/screamo. They attract this audience by using images of the artist/bands who produce this type of music and vibe, for example the large image of Young Guns on this cover. The Masthead font is bold, large and will be recognizable to kerrangs audience, it’s in red so it stands out really well attracting the audience. The image over laps the masthead, so as the audience are reading the masthead they will instantly be draw down to the image (main credit).
    The Representation of this magazine is very clear as Kerrang have one specific genre of music, the main image has a lot to do with the main image on this magazine which is of the lead singer of Young Guns, Gustav Wood. The image of him gives a rough edge, from the lyrics written on his chest, this will attract the audience of this genre of music. All of the other images on this cover are the entire same genre.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

My Evaluation


My College Magazine is called 'College life'. My front cover develops forms and conventions of real media products, as I included a Masthead, Sell line, Price, Date, Barcode, Feature lines, Images, Issue Number and an advertisement/Offer. I've worked around my Front Cover thinking of my Target Audience which is College students, I thought about what would appeal to them best and draw them in. To do this I took images they can relate to for example, my image used as a background for my front cover, is a student working in a science lab, which all the students reading my magazine will have done in school. I also included Sport images and feature stories to attract the sporty age range that may read this magazine for the 'Latest Sport results'.
I attracted my pacific target audience by adjusting the conventions of my magazine to suit them. For example, My Masthead 'College Life' obviously relates to them as they are all in College. The bold red font I chose to use is really eye catching, it will be sure to grab student’s attention and draw them in. My selling line 'What’s going on?' is a rhetorical question, my audience will want to know what’s going on in their college so will pick up the magazine to find out. This Sell line is also in a bold font with a graphical shape highlighting which makes it stand out even more, with the strong contrast between the white text and the black graphical shape behind it. My Feature stories are based on topics I think my Target Audience will be interested in for example the Latest Sport Results, will surely interest the students of this college, as they will want to support their college teams and find out what’s going on with them. My other feature story about the new gym includes 'exclusive images' this is sure to draw the sport audience in, as they will want to see their new gym. My front cover includes a barcode, the date, issue number and also price which are all conventions of a magazine. I included an advert which is 'Win a Trip to New York' which I also used a black graphical shape to enhance the white text.
If I had the chance to make my College Magazine front cover again I would, include more feature stories, with a wider variety of different topics as the only topics I really have are sport which won’t appeal to all students reading this magazine. I would also shorten the Feature Story text, as shorter 'snappier' text is more interesting to read and get the point across quicker. I would also change my Advert slightly by adjusting the word 'win' as when the audience see this they will surely want to read more.
I have definitely progressed in my Photoshop skills during this project. For example, the quick selection tools, the character tool to produce my text and also the transform/rotation tools.


Development of My Front Cover

When I first started to construct my front cover of a College Magazine I concentrated on my Masthead a lot by trying out different fonts, sizes and layouts. I realised the layout of this Masthead I tried out didn’t quite work, as it isn’t really a conventional feature as the Masthhead is usually central at the top of the page. It also wasn’t quite bold enough, to really draw in the audience. So I developed my Masthead to get to my final one which is shown below.

This Masthead is much more effective as its bolder and brighter, which will draw in the audience a lot more successfully. I also think this Masthead look a lot more professional, overall it works better with my front cover.  

My Final Front Cover Product

Mock up of Contents Page/Layout

Mock up of Front Cover/Layout

My Original Images

Initial Idea

Examples of Existing College Magazines

This magazine is called 'College Sport' it has a strong Masthead that really stands out which is a convention of a magazine. Its pretty obvious to work out the target audience for this magazine and what kind of articles and text will be inside. We can work this out by just looking at the cover, College Sports. This magazine includes many of the conventions of a magazine such as, a Masthead, Feature stories, Barcode, Dateline, Sell line and also images. All conventions are realy important as its what pople expect to see on a magazine, I will be sure to include as many as I can on my College Magazine Front Cover.

This magazine 'College' has a lot of the conventions of a college magazine such as, a masthead placed centrally at the top of the cover, which stands out because of the large bold red text used. This cover includes plenty of feature stories, which will be suited to the magazine target audience, which will catch their eye, making them want to read the magazine. Theres the barcode in the left bottom corner which all magazines will have. In my magazine, I will be sure to make my Masthead large and bold as I think this is a really important part of the magazine, in my opinion this is what you look at first.

Types Of Camera Framing/Shots

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Conventions of a College Magazine Contents page using LIIAR

The Language is used to attract the specific target audience, this is done by the conventions of the magazine. This particular contents page has images of school students, in different environments, all enjoying their selves, for example in the top left corner, the students are eager to learn, looking happy and well presented in their neat uniforms, as they are in the top right images also. This image of neat uniforms presents the school really well, as they look ready for education, tidy and presentable. The look as if they want to represent their school in a positive way. Which will attract the target audience of other students and maybe parents as this is how they would wish a school to be. These different environments in the images all link in with the articles as we can see the page numbers for the articles that match up with these images have been placed on the side of them. These environments look very different to the typical class room lessons that usually take place, this will encourage the audience to look up the articles to find out more. The particular colour scheme used throughout the contents page links with the colours of the magazine Masthead, as we can see from the top left image. These colours are bight, eye catching and really refreshing, this will catch the attention of the target audience and draw them in. The adverts at the bottom of the page, show that the school has links with certain company's such as Recycle, which gives of a positive message to the audience as recycling is helping with the environment.
      The Ideology of this contents page is to navigate the audience around the magazine, page numbers are attached to all articles and images so the location of all these are easy to find, all of these page numbers are surrounded with the colour turquoise so they stand out easily to the audience. 
     The Institution is the magazine which we can see from the top left image is called Secondary.
     The Audience is attracted by the images, text and articles of the magazine, this magazines target audience would obviously be students of this school, parents or maybe people looking into going to this school. The bright colours used throughout this contents page help pull in the audience, as school could maybe be seen as a boring thing to some students, these colours will keep them interested and keen to keep reading. The layout of this contents page is neat and easy to understand for all of its target audience, this will also help them navigate around the magazine. 
       The Representation of the contents page is really important as this shows all article titles, images and basically whats in the magazine, if this page had a dull, boring layout the audience would pay no attention or have no interest in going through the magazine at all. So this is why this magazine has used a decent sized text to display all the article titles, colour to make then stand out and exciting rather than just plain black and white. The titles of the page are put in larger writing to stand out as this title sums the whole page up and tell us straight away what you are about to read, which in this case is the contents.  

Contents Analysis of a Front Cover of a College Magazine

The Language is used to attract the specific target audience, this is done by the conventions of the magazine. For example this magazine has a Masthead which is 'College' this is obviously aimed at the target audience, as the audience are probably going to be college students. The colour used for the masthead is red, which is an exciting eye catching colour which will attract the magazines specific audience. The colour red is also linked with the Image of the girl who is wearing a red top with text reading I heart SMU, which I can see is the initials of the college from one of the feature stories on the cover, this shows 'team spirit'. A medium close up is used for this image to show the girls emotion, the girl looks happy, this is how the college want to portray their students. This model was probably chosen because shes of student age, she looks like the typical college student, she looks fresh and pretty, this will attract other college students, as this is how they might want to be. She is looking straight at the camera to also draw the audience in. The setting of this image, is bright, lively and free which is represented by the use of the colour green. It must be warm as thr girl in the image is wearing shorts, if the photograph was captured in miserable weather, it wouldn't let off a happy, bright image.
    This magazine is to promote the college SMU, the Ideology behind this magazine is to do with education and student life at the college. So the Language used for this magazine helps us see the Ideology of the magazine. For example, the model credit of this magazine shows a happy, fresh young student, wearing a top that says ‘I heart SMU’ this will make the audience believe that the student in the image is enjoying this college and is in education.
    The Institution of this magazine is the School who have published the magazine, so for this magazine the institution would be SMU College. Which is shown through the text on the model credits top, and also in the main coverline 'Nastia Liukin on SMU's Campus'.
    The Audience is who is going to be reading the magazine, so for this particular magazine it will probably be students of this college or students who are thinking of going to this college. The text is used in a particular font, language and topic suitable for the audience, so they can relate and will be interested in the magazine. For this particular college magazine, the text for the Masthead is red I think this could probably be the color that represents SMU College, as this is the color of the shirt the girl in the image is wearing. The text is easy to read, but not boring as the text is red, its exciting and eye catching. The feature stories are interesting and maybe relevant to the target audience for example 'The secret life of the American teenager'. Some of the feature stories are also about the college like 'Nastia Liukin on SMU's Campus' so the students of this college will want to find out whats happening, the 'gossip' so will want to read through this story.
    The Representation of this magazine is to show its audience what the college is like and the students thoughts of the college. This is done really well by using this particular image. which shows a happy young girl, wearing a shirt to do with the college, this shows shes proud to attend SMU and she is also happy to be there and enjoying it.           


Sunday, 30 September 2012

Conventions of a Magazine

  • Masthead: Top left hand corner or centrally at the top of the magazine cover - eg: kerrangs masthead is central at the top of the magazine cover I have pasted below.
  • Frame: Close up/Medium close up - eg: the magazine Kerrang below uses a medium close-up. 
  • Feature Stories - eg: 'The Blackout Vs Celebrity BigBrother' and 'The complete history of Rock and Roll success' which are two of the feature stories on the front of this Kerrang magazine.
  • Pull Quotes: Certain quotes pulled from articles in the magazine, made to stand out by the use of colour, size and font.   
  • Dateline: Which is placed somewhere on the front cover.
  • Main Image eg: The band on the front of this magazine, which is a medium shot.
  • Model Credit: The person on the front of the magazine eg: On the front of this Kerrang magazine is All Time Low.
  • Coverline: Information about articles inside the magazine eg: 'Asking Alexandria' which is probably an interview of some sort.  
  • Main Coverline: Information about the main article in the magazine eg: 'All Time Low watch out UK, they're here...' 
  • Sellingline: The line that sells the magazine eg:'Punk! Nudity! Total Mayhem!' Which will have been displayed to attract Kerrangs target audience.
  • Barcode: Scanned when the magazine is purchased eg: Placed in the bottom right corner of this Kerrang magazine.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Breif

Premilminary excercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contentsand double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text must be original, produced by you - minimum of four pages.